Saturday, October 3, 2009

Apples to apples

So I tried this one in the draughtflow can. It's indistinguishable from the Guinness in cans back home (although I do like the creamy head indicated at the top -- not sure if we have that on our cans). I keep hearing about how good the Guinness is in Ireland (apparently they keep the best for themselves -- we'll definitely plan a trip there), but so far in England, it's basically the same as what we've got.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to bring some of them cans home!

    While I wouldn't wish the horribleness of Budweiser or some of our other domestic brews upon your taste buds, I wonder if some U.S. beers taste better in the UK because they use different (European?) ingredients.

    (By the way, this isn't's your waaay cool bro'. I can't seem to switch the follower option from her google account to mine...sod. Oops! no UK swearing!)
