Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Fan of the Can

I'm typically not a big fan of beer in cans. It's a pretty good way to take a great beer and make it suck. I generally love Carlsberg from the green bottle: mellow, rich, with that wonderful skunky aroma when you pass that long neck under your nose. From the can, it's nothing like that. So why did I buy it, you ask. Well the answer is complicated. In England, the good English beers are generally sold warm on the shelves of grocery stores. Kinda reminds me of Canada that way -- you have to take it home and chill it to enjoy it -- probably prevents certain types of obnoxious public behavior. (Speaking of which, check this guy out if you haven't already seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKeooubslwk ). On the other hand, there are certain stores that sell cold beer, but they generally sell beer in cans, and it's typically from outside the UK (hence Carlsberg). So if you're throwing a party (or are in the middle of a party), and you need to get cold beer in a hurry, it probably won't be something very good. Perhaps this is also done so as not to compete with the many pubs (that sell local brews) which dot the city landscape. At any rate, in my quest to try everything beer-related (both good and bad), and because I hadn't planned ahead to have any British beers chillin' in my fridge, I decided to give Carlsberg in cans a try. I could taste the good, familiar beer that I've liked for 2 decades trying to break free from its aluminum shackles, but it just wasn't working. Better than Meister-Brau, but hey, what isn't?

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