Sunday, November 1, 2009

Summer Lovin' . . .

I had this bitter in a cafe right around the corner from Aardman. This place is a regular lunch destination, and with good reason. The food is great, and the beer selection is impressive for a small place. In addition to the regular stouts/lagers that are on tap, there's always a "guest ale" that is featured. It is a common practice in many pubs to have a rotating beer selection, and sometimes the guest beers are listed in advance on a placard (much like a concert tour schedule), so beer fans can plan their visits accordingly. Today, Summer Nights was the guest ale (served cool but not cold from the now familiar pump tap -- the beer is actually pumped into the glass, and it takes several pulls to fill a pint). This one was great -- just what I'd hope for in a British ale. It was fruity and floral and caramely. It went great with the bangers and mash I had, which has become my "go-to" pub meal.

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