Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Blurry Patch

Almost a month into my beer exploration, I hit a patch where many of the beers I was trying all began to taste similarly unremarkable. It's not that any of them were particulary bad (in fact, they're all way better than the average American beer), it's just that none of them really stood out from the ever-growing pack. The Theakston XB sort of signalled the beginning of this period. It was a fine, rich ale, with the now familiar port finish, but at this point it seemed pretty typical of the ruby-colored ales I'd tried. Totally respectable, just not unique. I may end up blasting through the next several beer blog entries until I find something really praiseworthy. One thing's for sure: the more beers I try here, the more I realize how many more there are that I haven't tried.

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