Friday, November 27, 2009

Parade O' Beers

So here are a few that I'll just comment quickly on so that I can get my blogging caught up. This one was made by our friends that brew London Pride. This was very good; full of flavor.

Once again I could not turn down the chance to try another IPA. This one was OK -- again, not as hoppy as I was expecting/hoping. Just fair, really.

What can I say? This one felt like a quick trip home. There is really a dearth of good American beers over here (no wonder the Europeans look down on us), but I actually found Sierra Nevada at a large grocery store. Now that we're comfortable driving here, we've traded the corner market for the mega suburban grocery store (think Costco), and the beer selection is amazing! I was feeling a little lost, and I needed to recalibrate my tastebuds with something familiar, and this was the perfect choice.

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