Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Proper Night At the Pub

I finally was able to go out to one of the regularly scheduled pub nights with my Aardman coworkers. We went to a place called The Clifton, which happens to be a favorite of VFX sup Doug Ikeler, and it truly is a 'local' because we all live in a neighborhood known as Clifton. I started out with a couple of Everard's Tiger Ale, which was fantastic. It was smooth and creamy and very easy to drink. One round was served in the dimpled mug, which is my preferred glass vessel for beer -- it reminds me of a pickle jar. Notice the placard above the tap which says Cellar Cool. I would have preferred it to be a tiny bit colder, but it was still cold enough to thoroughly enjoy. I finished off with a Black Sheep Bitter -- I'd tried the ale a few days earlier and described it as dusty-tasting, but this stuff was much better. Beers from the tap here are far superior than anything else. I'm looking forward to coming back and putting another Tiger in my tank.

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