Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Whenever I go to the market, I am faced with literally dozens of beers with clever names and colorful labels. It will take a full three months to go through them all. This little bottle jumped out at me on my third day in England, and it was probably the best thing I've had so far. It's considered Kentish Ale -- not sure what makes it that (brewed in Kent perhaps? but what makes their style distinct?), but it was a good ale. There's actually a legend on the back of the label which describes exactly what the drinker should see, smell, and taste when enjoying Spitfire (honey, nuts, oak -- seems more like a wine, really). I will probably have to revisit this gem as well, as I'm still in no place to accurately report my observations . . . just . . . too . . . tired.
I've seen Budweiser on the shelves, and I've also seen ads for Coors light. My hope is that these breweries actually make great beer, but they save it all for export, and they sell the pisswater to us at home. I'm sure I'll have to try these to see exactly what kind of an impression we're trying to make in Britain, but not until I've had everything else.

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