Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meet the Ruddles

So I'm not sure what to say about this. I had this about a week ago (yes, I'm behind on my blogging, especially because our internet connection at the flat is the equivalent of dial-up, and everything is painfully slow), and I was very jetlagged the first week as I blew through a lot of new beers. I chose Ruddles because they used to have very colorful cans back in the 1970s & 80s (I have a beer can collection that is roughly 1300 strong, which includes a few Ruddles cans that are very beautiful), and I was anxious to see if the contents were as good as the label. I know this beer wasn't awful, but I don't recall it knocking my socks off, either. I guess that it didn't make much of an impression is the most accurate thing I can say about it. A lot better than most American beers, I'm sure -- although I am starting to miss some of those California micro-brews. I promise I will try this one again later and offer a better review.

A note to the observant: yes, we brought J.D.'s hot sauce with us.

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