Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Best, Literally

My cel phone pic was shitte (apparently, as my phone's pic storage fills up, it takes smaller and smaller pics without giving any kind of warning: here is my marvelous 12k shot), so I've included a grab from the Courage website. This from our friends who also gave us the previously blogged-about Director's Ale. I had this whilst attending my first Sunday roast in England, at a great little place called the Angel Pub. The SONY gang was there: DougIke and Cocoa, Satch, TBrandt, Orecklin, as well Shellaine and the twins and my in-laws. A great time was had by all; the beer and the roast were top-notch. I only had a half pint because I was driving the gang around, but I will definitely revisit this one when I can have a full pint. Very nice.

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