Friday, December 11, 2009

Parade #3

This experience has made me wary of Scottish beer, but since this was one of a few left at the grocery store that I hadn't yet tried, I gave it a go. It was palatable, the best of the Scottish fare so far, but not something I'd seek out again. Eh . . . .

Riggwelter, a strong ale from Yorkshire. When a sheep is on its back and cannot get up without help, locals say it's riggwelted. This was no more impressive than the Black Sheep I had when I first arrived. I'm not a huge fan of the Black Sheep label, it's turning out.

This was about as good (but maybe not quite) as the Adnams Broadside I had a couple of weeks back. Good enough . . .

This brown ale was pretty forgettable. Very low alcohol (2.8%) and very little taste. Kind of a more watery version of Newcasltle (if that's even possible). This must be some kind of adult soda alternative rather than a real beer.

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